@tapestry Class Level Tag Usage

@tapestry.bean (0..1)

Defines a JavaBean that will be used in some way by the component.

Applies to: Class must be either a page-specification or comopnent-specification.

descriptiontextA description of the bean.false
nametextThe name of the bean.true
classtextThe class of the bean.true
lifecycletextWhen the reference to the bean should be discarded.
Valid options are:





Default value(s):


@tapestry.binding (0..*)

Binds a parameter of the component to a OGNL expression, relative to its container.

Applies to: Must have at least 1 component.

nametextThe name of the component parameter to bind.true
expressiontextThe OGNL expression.true
componenttextThe name of the component this binding belongs to.true

@tapestry.component (0..*)

Defines a component.

Applies to: Class must be either a page-specification or comopnent-specification.

descriptiontextA description of the bean.false
idtextA unique identifier for the component within the container.true
classtextThe type of component, either a well known logical name or the complete path to the component's specification.false
copy-oftextThe id of a previously defined component; this component will be a copy of the other component.false
Valid options are:



Default value(s):


@tapestry.component-specification (0..1)

Declares the class a Tapestry component.

Applies to: POJO

descriptiontextA description of the component.false

@tapestry.context-asset (0..1)

An asset located in the same web application context as the running application.

Applies to: Class must be either a page-specification or comopnent-specification.

nametextThe name of the asset.true
pathtextThe path, relative to the web application context, of the resource.true

@tapestry.external-asset (0..1)

Defines an asset at some external source.

Applies to: Class must be either a page-specification or comopnent-specification.

nametextThe name of the asset.true
URLtextThe URL used to reference the asset.true

@tapestry.inherited-binding (0..*)

Binds a parameter of the component to a parameter of the container.

Applies to: Must have at least 1 component.

nametextThe name of the component parameter to bind.true
parameter-nametextThe name of the container parameter to bind the component parameter to.true
componenttextThe name of the component this binding belongs to.true

@tapestry.listener-binding (0..*)

Binds a parameter of the component to a OGNL expression, relative to its container.

Applies to: Must have at least 1 component.

nametextThe name of the component parameter to bind.true
languagetextThe language the script is written in.false
scripttextThe script.true
componenttextThe name of the component this binding belongs to.true

@tapestry.message-binding (0..*)

Binds a parameter of the component to a localized message of its container.

Applies to: Must have at least 1 component.

nametextThe name of the component parameter to bind.true
keytextThe key used to access a localized string.true
componenttextThe name of the component this binding belongs to.true

@tapestry.page-specification (0..1)

Declares the class a Tapestry page.

Applies to: POJO

descriptiontextA description of the page.false

@tapestry.parameter (0..*)

Defines a formal parameter for the component.

Applies to: Must be a component-specification.

nametextA unique name for the parameter.true
typetextThe name of a Java class or primitive type expected by the parameter.false
Valid options are:



Default value(s):

property-nametextThe name to use, instead of the parameter name, for the JavaBean property connected to this parameter.false
default-valuetextSpecifies the default value for the parameter, if the parameter is not bound.false
Valid options are:





Default value(s):


@tapestry.private-asset (0..1)

An asset available within the Java classpath (i.e., bundled inside a JAR or WAR).

Applies to: Class must be either a page-specification or comopnent-specification.

nametextThe name of the asset.true
resource-pathtextThe complete pathname of the resource.true

@tapestry.property (0..*)

Declares a property (name/value pair) to be at the page/component specification level and within other items.

Applies to: Class must be either a page-specification or comopnent-specification.

nametextThe name of the property to set.true
valuetextThe value of the property.true
componenttextThe name of the component this property belongs to.false
beantextThe name of the bean this property belongs to.false
external-assettextThe name of the external-asset this property belongs to.false
context-assettextThe name of the context-asset this property belongs to.false
private-assettextThe name of the private-asset this property belongs to.false

@tapestry.property-specification (0..1)

Identifies a transient or persistent property.

Applies to: Class must be either a page-specification or comopnent-specification.

nametextThe name of the property.true
typetextThe type of the value, either the name of a scalar type, or the fully qualified name of a class.false
persistenttextWhether the value will be made persistant.
Valid options are:



Default value(s):

initial-valuetextThe initial value of the property.false
initial-value-ognltextThe OGNL expression to set the initial value of the property.false

@tapestry.reserved-parameter (0..*)

Identifies a name which may not be used as an informal parameter.

Applies to: Must be a component-specification.

nametextThe parameter name to reserve.true

@tapestry.set-message-property (0..*)

Sets a property of a string from a localized string.

Applies to: Must have at least 1 bean.

nametextThe name of the property to set.true
keytextThe key used to access a localized string.true
beantextThe name of the bean this set-message-property belongs to.true

@tapestry.set-property (0..*)

Used to initialize a property of a helper bean.

Applies to: Must have at least 1 bean.

nametextThe name of the property to set.true
expressiontextThe OGNL expression that provides a value.true
beantextThe name of the bean this set-property belongs to.true

@tapestry.static-binding (0..*)

Binds a parameter of the component to a static value defined directly within this specification.

Applies to: Must have at least 1 component.

nametextThe name of the component parameter to bind.true
valuetextThe value of the binding.true
componenttextThe name of the component this binding belongs to.true

@tapestry Method Level Tag Usage

@tapestry Field Level Tag Usage

@axis Tag Reference

Tags for declaration of Apache Axis services

Applies to: POJO

@axis Class Level Tags


@axis Method Level Tags


@axis Field Level Tags

@axis Class Level Tag Usage

@axis.service (0..1)

Declares the class an Axis SOAP service.

Applies to: POJO

urntextDefine the service's name.true
scopetextDefine the service scope.
Valid options are:




Default value(s):

providertext Specifies the provider type.

Default value(s):

"java:EJB" for EJBs, "java:RPC" for non-EJBs.
Valid options are:



include-allbool If set to true, all methods will be exposed, without regard to whether or not they are tagged with @axis.method.

Default value(s):

namespacetextDefine the service's namespace.false

@axis Method Level Tag Usage

@axis.method (0..1)

Declares the method a SOAP service method. Does not have any parameters. Note: By default "create" methods of session bean is used, no need to explicitly specify a method as axis.method.

Applies to: Method level

@axis Field Level Tag Usage

@soap Tag Reference

Tags for declaration of Apache SOAP services

Applies to: POJO

@soap Class Level Tags


@soap Method Level Tags


@soap Field Level Tags

@soap Class Level Tag Usage

@soap.service (0..1)

Declares the class a SOAP service.

Applies to: POJO

scopetextDefine the service scope.
Valid options are:





Default value(s):

providertext Specifies the provider class name. There's special support for EJB beans, so if you do not specify the provider parameter, Apache Soap tries to assign the correct provider name to the service based on the type of the EJB bean. The provider name for the EJB is taken from statelessSessionEjbProvider or statefulSessionEjbProvider or entityEjbProvider configuration parameters based on the EJBean type. false
urntext The URN for the service. false
typetext Sets the service type. The only valid value is "message".
Valid options are:

checkMustUnderstandsbool Declares whether or not the server is to throw a Fault if there are SOAP headers in the request which are marked as "MustUnderstand". false

@soap Method Level Tag Usage

@soap.method (0..1)

Declares the method a SOAP service method. Does not have any parameters. Note: By default "create" methods of session bean is used, no need to explicitly specify a method as soap.method. All methods declared in remote interface of an EJB are automatically exposed to SOAP clients by default.

Applies to: Method level

@soap Field Level Tag Usage

@struts Tag Reference

Defines a form bean and its attributes.

Applies to: Applicable to pojos (i.e. Hibernate objects), entity beans and struts actions

@struts Field Level Tags

@struts Class Level Tag Usage

@struts.action (0..*)

Defines the action class and its attributes

Applies to: Struts Action

nametextThe name of the action. Must be unique within the bounds of the Struts applicationtrue
typetext The class to instantiate for this action. Defaults to the current class, but can be overridden for certain uses, such as integration with Spring. false
classNametext The fully qualified Java class name of the ActionMapping subclass to use for this action mapping object. false
pathtextThe path that the action will match.true
scopetextDefine the scope of the action. "request" | "session" | "application"
Valid options are:




Default value(s):

inputtextThe path to the input for the Actiontrue
rolestextComma-delimited list of security role names that are allowed access to this ActionMapping object. Since Struts 1.1.false
validatetextThe validation flag for the action

Default value(s):

parametertextThe optional parameter for the actiontrue

@struts.action-exception (0..*)

Defines the action specific exception handling

Applies to: Struts Action

keytext The key to use with this handler's message resource bundle that will retrieve the error message template for this exception. true
typetext Fully qualified Java class name of the exception type to register with this handler. true
classNametext The configuration bean for this ExceptionHandler object. If specified, className must be a subclass of the default configuration bean. false
handlertext Fully qualified Java class name for this exception handler. false
pathtext The module-relative URI to the resource that will complete the request/response if this exception occurs. false
scopetext The context ("request" or "session") that is used to access the ActionError object [org.apache.struts.action.ActionError] for this exception. false

@struts.action-forward (0..*)

Defines local forwards for a Struts action class

Applies to: Struts Action

nametextThe name of the forwardtrue
pathtextThe path of the forwardtrue
redirectbool Whether the browser should be redirected to the specified location. false

@struts.action-set-property (0..*)

Creates set-property tags for action blocks

Applies to: Struts Action

propertytextThe name of the property to settrue
valuetextThe value to set the propertytrue

@struts.dynaform (0..*)

Defines a dynamic form bean and its attributes.

nametextDefine a unique name for the form.true
typetextDefine the class type of dynamic form.true
validatetextDeclare if this form should be validated. If set to true, the dynamic form validation tag will iterate over this class and create the validation definition.false

@struts.form (0..*)

Defines a form bean and its attributes.

Applies to: Entity beans and POJOs

nametextDefine a unique name for the form. If generating a form using this tag, this attribute is not necessary. The className+Form will be used (i.e. Address -> addressForm).true
extendstextDefine which class the generated form must extend.false
implementstextDefine which interface the generated form must implement.false
include-pkbool Whether to include pk field in form. Default is true. If set to false, individual pk fields can still be included.

Default value(s):

include-allboolWhether to include all persistent fields in form. Default is false.

Default value(s):


@struts Method Level Tag Usage

@struts.dynaform-field (0..*)

Include property in specific struts form

Applies to: property to be included

nametextThe name of the JavaBean property described by this element. Declare, if you want to override the generated property name. Default is the method's name converted to a property namefalse
typetextFully qualified Java class name of the field underlying this property, optionally followed by "[]" to indicate that the field is indexed. Declare, if you want to override the generated property type. Default is the method's return type.false
initialtextString representation of the initial value for this property. If not specified, primitives will be initialized to zero and objects initialized to the zero-argument instantiation of that object class. For example, Strings will be initialized to ""false
sizetextThe number of array elements to create if the value of the "type" attribute specifies an array, but there is no value specified for the "initial" attribute.false

@struts.form-field (0..*)

Include property in specific struts form

Applies to: property to be included

form-nametextSpecify the name of the form this field should belong to. Required if "name" defined on @struts.form.false

@struts.validator (0..*)

Defines Struts Validator for current setter field. NOTE: If you're generating forms from POJOs, this tag needs to be on the getter. It will be put on the setter in the generated Form.

Applies to: Struts ValidatorForm

typetextValidator type, such as "required"true
overridetextIf set to true, the validator definition defined in the calling class, not the property class, is used. For instance, if you have a class named Address with its own validation defined and wish to use you own validation in a class that refers to Address, set override to true and define your validation in the calling class.false
msgkeytextOverride key for the validator error messagefalse
msgvaluetextExplicitly define a validator error messagefalse
pagetextOnly fields with a "page" attribute value that is equal to or less than the page property on the form JavaBean are processed.false
arg0valuetextValue of argument index 0false
arg0resourcetextResource key of argument index 0false
arg1valuetextValue of argument index 1false
arg1resourcetextResource key of argument index 1false
arg2valuetextValue of argument index 2false
arg2resourcetextResource key of argument index 2false
arg3valuetextValue of argument index 3false
arg3resourcetextResource key of argument index 3false

@struts.validator-args (0..1)

Defines arguments for current setter field.

Applies to: Struts ValidatorForm

arg0valuetextValue of argument index 0false
arg0resourcetextResource key of argument index 0

Default value(s):

arg1valuetextValue of argument index 1false
arg1resourcetextResource key of argument index 1false
arg2valuetextValue of argument index 2false
arg2resourcetextResource key of argument index 2false
arg3valuetextValue of argument index 3false
arg3resourcetextResource key of argument index 3false

@struts.validator-var (0..*)

Defines Struts Validator variable

Applies to: Struts ValidatorForm

nametextVariable nametrue
valuetextVariable valuetrue

@struts Field Level Tag Usage